Yesterday evening I flew home from a 2-week training facilitation, and dashed home to change for our first Indian wedding event. After a mild (actually ugly and sweaty) meltdown as I tried to get my sari to fold properly, we were whisked away to a magical evening of sights and plentitude of food I don't think I've ever witnessed before. One my colleague's nieces was the bride, so she invited me so I could begin to understand what is meant by the Indian wedding experience. I was not disappointed. I only wish I had had my brocaded silk sari to wear so I would fit in a bit more, but alas, I failed to bring it with me for some silly reason, and my two faithful Iowa City elves could not find it in the house either. I was dreaming about fitting in anyway; not only was the clothing and jewelry only peripherally in my realm of imagination, we were indeed the only non-Indians there, so there were lots of curious stares, but many people who also most graciously introduced themselves and offered advice on what to eat and sometimes, how to eat it. Judge for yourself to see that I'm not overstating the glam case. Here's the link.