Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Photo Essay: A Week in Pictures

Beach # 1

Beach #2, and Lighthouse #3

A week ago we were still in the southern state of Kerala, specifically  in Trivandrum, the capital, then Kovalum, the beach on the Arabian Sea about 20 minutes outside of our future hometown, then we took the train to Thrissur, where I was a presenter at an English conference.  The big news, however, was that Sashi Tharoor, Union Minister for Education and Development at the national level, gave a keynote. He's India's equivalent of Arne Duncan, but a whole lot smarter. I asked the day before if I would give some "remarks" after his address, doing an extemporaneous jazzy kind of talk.  YIKES. That's not how I like to roll when I'm in front of others at a conference, but I did fine, or according to loyal S., even more than fine!  It was exciting to hear him in person after seeing him appear on American TV nerd shows such as Fareed Zackaria's GLobal Pubic Square.  S. came along to hear him because he's a fan.  For an article (and me in a photo talking with the man of the hours, go to:

This week and next I'm conducting a Madrassa teacher training, so there are a couple of clicks of my studeets in action. They are wonderful to work with.
Finally, last but not least there are some food pics, including my new breakfast routine, yogurt, fresh pomegranate seeds, and a mango puree that features some of the best flavored mango I've had the pleasure to put in my mouth.  Check out the rich orange color;  there is still nothing quite so wonderful as sun-kissed fruit in the tropics.  

FIsh in Coconut Curry

Tiger Shrimp and GIGANTIC shrimp
Some of the head coverings of Muslim men in India

Students Singing their Rendition of "This Land is Your Land"

Not so great picture of me on the dais with S. Tharoor

Mango Wallahs

Southern Thali

Students in Action

Pappad, Thali, and Mango Lassi: Triple Goodness

Presentation in Stifling Heat and Sari

Fresh from the Arabian Sea

Pappad, the Roti (bread staple) of the South


  1. Really looks like another terrific city for you. Love the beach..hide in the sea if it gets too humid. :) Your students look great.. your breakfast look yummy... Me... I am back to Orange Julius drinks... morning or night. :)

  2. Beaches and great food are unbeatable duo. The students and the conference audience look very attentive. That must make you a happy presenter (not to dwell on the challenging-humid- conditions.
