Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's a Good Day to be an American and an Iowan

WOOO HOOO!!!!! Congratulations, America!  You got it right, twice in a row.  And here’s a particular shout out Iowans.   Thank you for making us proud once again to be from Iowa, and not silly Missouri, Nebraska, or any of those surrounding red states. A special shout out goes to F. at 345 Magowan for all her hours of volunteering for the Obama Campaign in Iowa, and Abhas in NYC. 
To President Obama:  Congratulations. Keep the up hard work. Let’s work on education excellence this 4 years, please. As someone who recently had a health insurance application out right rejected because I had migraines, I am relieved for the nation that your health care bill will continue to be implemented.  Thank you for that. I’m also glad the Lilly Ledbetter bill is on the books, even though it seems like we shouldn’t need to tell employers that employees who do equal work should get equal pay.  Actually, Mr. President, if you want any advice this term, ask the elementary teachers of America.  We keep children at the center and common sense at the core in all our decisions.  Also, President Obama, I tip my hat to you for not running and hiding when you first took office.  I’ve never lived through a scarier economic time in our country’s history, yet you kept your cool and did what needed to be done, even though it wasn’t politically easy.  Please work on banking reform in the next 4 years as well, however, because I believe we are still as exposed as we were 4 years ago.   Also, let’s spend some time working on global climate change; ask any New Jersey citizen today if it’s a real and present danger. And immigration reform:  An idea so long overdue that even George W was onboard. ¡Ándale, Por Favor Señor Presidente! Let's make the people who feed this country full citizens, and capable of getting an education, please. Also push on some gun control, because our country resembles Dodge City more and more. Otherwise, spend some time with those kids, because they are growing fast, and take more time off, because you are getting some serious grey up top.   

I couldn’t be more pleased with the results, unless….wait. Oh, yes I could, if Obama were a WOMAN.    Next time, Democrats, PLEASE.  Her name starts with H and ends with illary, and she's my boss and she ROCKS.   But back to you, President Obama. Well done.  Good luck, and God speed.

1 comment:

  1. fantastic advice and i agree with all your sentiments!
    Celebrate a little, sleep in a couple days and then get back to the grind Mr. President.
    I'm proud of him and I'm proud of our country.
